Saturday, January 9, 2010


I am the type of person who does not accept change well. I like things to stay the way they are if I am content. Right now I'm struggling with the idea of me growing up. I can't stay young and in high school forever! I took it very hard when Elizabeth graduated in '07, and now Rachel is getting ready to graduate and I will have to get used to living in a house by myself with my parents. No more Wizbis, no more Wachel. *sniff* *sniff* Life must go on. I must move up to my senior year this fall and begin choosing what I want to do with my life. The thought terrifies me daily, but I know that God has already planned out what my life will be and I am confident that He knows what's best for me.

It's been pretty hard the past few months dealing with the upcoming departure of our beloved youth/associate pastor: Chuck Newman. This is one of those things that happens, but you never expected it to. I still remember the Sunday when Pastor Dave made the announcement back in October and now it is January and Chuck is already just another member of the church. I am excited for the future of our youth group, though. We have great potential coming up from middle school this coming year and also we have great people leaving yet again coming this fall.

I'm down to the last 3 semesters of my high school career and I am excited finally because I know somewhat of what I want to make of my life. Cedarville University, the college that Rachel will be attending this fall, has a traveling puppet team called The Master's Puppets. They are coming to Denbigh this summer to do our VBS and I am excited to be working with them. As of right now, what I want to do is to start/help with a puppet team at the church I end up at and also to work at a local children's theater, preferably Christian.

Oh well, I better go. My sister's kicking me off the computer! I must bid you adieu.

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